
The roughness of the tile is what determines how slip-proof it is. Slip-proof tile is treated with an abrasive material, so that it is safer to step on. Kitchens and bathrooms are two areas of the home where slip-proof flooring is a must.

Hardness Rating
Hardness determines how much traffic a floor can handle. The Porcelain Enamel Institute has the following hardness ratings:

Group I: good for light traffic areas, i.e. bathrooms, which get mostly barefoot traffic.
Group II: medium traffic, good for most home interiors, sans kitchens and entryways.
Group III: medium-heavy traffic, good for any home interior. 
Group IV: heavy traffic, good for all home interiors and light/medium commercial areas
Group V: extra heavy traffic, can be used anywhere.

Porosity Rating
Porosity ratings tell you how water resistant a tile is. The more porous the tile, the less water resistance it has. From least most porous, the porosity ratings are: Impervious, Vitreous, Semi-vitreous, and Non-vitreous.

Types of Tile
Here are just a few of the tile options available. Pay attention not just to their look, but to the various qualities they have, as these will help you pick which are best for the different areas of your house.

Brick – Brick can be a great choice for outdoor spaces like patios or yards. It is durable and lends the house a rustic, earthy aesthetic.

Ceramic – Ceramic is probably the most popular tile option. It comes either glazed or unglazed. Glazed ceramic tile comes in brighter and more varied colors. It is stain resistant, but not slip-proof. Unglazed ceramic tile retains its natural color. It needs sealant to make it more stain proof, but it is more slip resistant than glazed tile.

Porcelain – Porcelain tile is moisture-resistant and dense. Good for high-traffic areas.

Saltillo – Saltillo tile is also called Mexican tile. It has deep, smoky colors that are great for kitchens. It is air dried.

Terrazzo – Terrazzo is a very durable kind of tile that comes in a variety of finishes. It is made of stone or marble chips.

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